How Can EMS Companies March Towards Phenomenal Progress?
The mantra for EMS companies to march towards phenomenal progress is simple: all employees must exhibit operational efficiency and work towards a common goal. But the truth is that many EMS companies sustain losses due to inefficient processes. If not resolved in time, businesses can become uncompetitive with a damaged reputation. The electronics market is continuously evolving with variables and opportunities to identify, address, and then eliminate inefficient processes. So, the big question up front is how do electronic manufacturing companies eliminate inefficient processes and march towards progress?
With Accurate Data Collection and Analysis
In the electronics manufacturing environment, there are many sources to collect data. It becomes mandatory for EMS providers to have systems and procedures that can collect accurate data. With the availability of so much data, data analysis tools are employed to analyze data to monitor performance and identify trends. This helps the EMS providers to prioritize their efforts and agree upon which projects should be worked on.
With Effective Project Implementation & Management
Every implemented project must be able to demonstrate a clear ROI, especially when investments in new equipment, tools, and training have been made. When quick fixes are made, a practical approach by the EMS provider is called for. At any time, engineers work on several projects. Keeping track of every project sometimes becomes cumbersome and it becomes important to employ a project tracker. This is achieved with the help of the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) methodology in which details related to every project is recorded separately within a document.
With Improved Communication & Feedback
Communication and delivering feedback plays a vital role. Failure to communicate progress can have a detrimental impact on process improvement. By communicating well and providing feedback on a regular basis, confidence can be installed in the overall process facilitating continuous improvements.
With Persisting Improvement
Success depends upon persistence. Proactive EMS providers hold regular meetings to discuss the improvements in the project and to understand how things are progressing. With an aim to improve the improvement process itself, they continue to involve more and more staff to support and encourage a continuous improvement approach.
With Appropriate Education & Training
To enhance efficiency and be more progressive, education and training for the staff are essential. It can teach employees how to implement project tracking successfully utilizing project tracking tools. Training and education encourage improvement in projects by making the personnel take ownership of seeing the improvements through.
EMS providers must strive for continuous improvement to increase efficiency. It is only through identifying, addressing, and eliminating inefficient processes, along with persistent improvement efforts, EMS companies can march towards phenomenal progress.